Do you remember your fun school days when kids used to challenge each other in tongue-twister competitions? Well, now you can encourage your little ones to do so and entertain them while also helping improve their speech and language skills.
If you are a parent who’s not aware of tongue twisters, they are a series of words that sound similar and might be a challenge to pronounce together, but strengthen all the muscles involved in speaking. They help kids improve their pronunciation, teach them fast reading, assist them in understanding the meaning of the words, and are also a lot of fun! Speech therapists and orators often use them as a way to help children enhance articulation and practise clear speaking. So there’s no doubt that tongue twisters for kids are extremely beneficial!
Whether you’re looking for a fun activity during a long car ride or a way to bring laughter into your home, tongue twisters are a fantastic option. More than just silly sentences, tongue twisters are a tool for children to engage in interactive and educational play. With 45 tongue twisters at your disposal, you can keep kids entertained and let them practise their speech skills at the same time.
Additionally, if you're interested in enhancing your child's learning experience, explore Skillmatics’ collection of STEM toys and preschool games. These educational tools are designed to support early childhood development, making learning both fun and effective.

45 Funny Tongue Twisters for Kids
Let’s explore the list of 45 tongue twisters for kids:
1. Easy Tongue Twisters
Let’s begin with the easy tongue twisters:
- She sells seashells by the seashore.
- How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
- I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
- Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
- A big black bear sat on a big black rug.
- Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.
- Babbling baby boys blurted boldly.
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
- Zebras zigzagged zestfully through the zoo.
- He threw three free throws.
2. Short Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters for kids can come in various forms. It’s time to practise some short tongue twisters in our collection:
- Red lorry, yellow lorry.
- Three free throws.
- Black bugs bleed black blood.
- Quick kiss. Quicker kiss.
- Red leather, yellow leather.
- Eleven elves.
- Six sticky skeletons.
- Cooks cook cupcakes quickly.
- Tie twine to three tree twigs.
- Snap crackle pop.
- Six Czech cricket critics.
- A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
3. Simple Tongue Twisters
While tongue twisters are all about challenging the tongues, kids can take a rest from the hard ones by playing with these simple tongue twisters:
- A proper copper coffee pot.
- Green glass globes glow greenly.
- Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat.
- Friendly fleas and fireflies.
- Truly rural.
- Follow the fellow.
- Light the night light tonight.
- Sheep should sleep in a shed
4. Funny Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters for kids can evoke a range of emotions among which funny tongue twisters have gained the most attention. So here are a few of them:
- Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
- Betty Botter bought some butter. But she said the butter was bitter.
- Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.
- Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes.
- Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
- If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
5. Difficult Tongue Twisters
Do your kids love to challenge themselves? Here are some difficult tongue twisters they can have fun with:
- The sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep is sick.
- Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
- If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
- How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- If one doctor doctors another doctor, then which doctor is doctoring the doctored doctor?
6. English Tongue Twisters Words
While all the tongue twisters for kids are in English, there are a few that English people connect better with. Want to know what they are? Check out these English tongue twister words:
- Irish wristwatch.
- Unique New York.
- Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.
- Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

So keep your little ones busy on their holidays or leisure time with these 45 tongue twisters for kids. Keep their playtime as varied as possible, from challenging STEM toys to tongue twisters! Keep this list handy whenever you and your kids are - in the car, at home, or on a playdate and watch them delight in the playful challenges of these tricky phrases. You can aslo enhance their learning experience with educational games from Skillmatics that combine learning and fun anytime, anywhere!
1. What are 10 popular tongue twisters for kids?
The most popular tongue twisters for kids and adults are -
- She sells seashells by the seashore.
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
- Betty Botter bought some butter.
- Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
- Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
- Red lorry, yellow lorry.
- Unique New York.
- Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.
2. What are the Z tongue twisters?
Tongue twisters that emphasise on the letter/sound Z fall under this category. The best ones from this list are -
- Zebras zigzagged zestfully through the zoo.
- Zany zebras zipped through the zesty zoo zone.
- Zack’s zebra zigzagged in the zenith zone.
- Zippy zippers zigzagged in the zany zoo.
3. What is a famous maths tongue twister?
The famous maths tongue twister is “five frantic frogs frantically leaping over fifty flamingos.”